InterCurrency aspires to improve lives of its clients by enabling them to gain and maintain control of their finances and/or investments. This we do through two main approaches:

1. Training on Personal Finance: Understanding and Managing Money (whether big or small). This training is delivered in two alternative ways:

a) Structured training on key financial and investment skills to clients delivered in two or four eight-hour sessions followed by a mentored practical implementation of acquired skills over a 12-month period.

b) Money clinics: simple but well designed, effective and practical learning sessions to inculcate money management skills and habits. The sessions are slotted on two consecutive Saturdays for each group of participants. Annual calendars in various cities are sent to participants at the beginning of the year. Corporate clients and groups may suggest desired dates. Included are:

  • The penny wise, pound foolish approach
  • Saving before spending and tracking of expenditures on alternative activities
  • Rewards to deferred gratification
  • Creative teaching of financial skills to children

2. Financial engineering: conception, design and execution of target-oriented financial products to meet the needs of our clients. Based on features of target groups and objectives of the same, we conceptualise new products for international development finance organisations, financial institutions, public agencies, investment clubs, SACCOs and individuals.